Optimal Locations for Home Security Cameras
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July 26, 2021 at 9:26:54 AM PDT July 26, 2021 at 9:26:54 AM PDTth, July 26, 2021 at 9:26:54 AM PDT
© Alphaspirit/123RF.COM
We will never be able to predict exactly how or when a burglary will take place. However, we can take preventative actions to avoid or minimize losses from these home invasions by adding security devices to protect our homes. Security cameras are one of the most important home break-in deterrents available and can also provide important video evidence to identify thieves and learn about vulnerable areas on a property.
Home security cameras are an excellent way to monitor homes and even dissuade potential home intruders for authorities. Security cameras capture video evidence of recorded events, providing a way to identify perpetrators and understand how and when crimes or events took place in or around the home. However, just having a security camera in a common or private area is not enough. Camera placement is key. Here are some top recommended places to install security cameras around your home in order to be the most helpful.
Front Door:
While this may seem like an obvious choice, it is absolutely worth mentioning. One in three home invaders enter a home through the front door. Having a camera facing directly at or above the front door will deter most burglars and will likely cause them to seek an easier alternative target. The front door location is also important for watching who enters your home and for tracking deliveries to deter front door delivery thieves. The presence of the camera and the footage it records are an invaluable preventative measure against theft.
Stairways are often the only way to reach different levels of a home. Some examples include outdoor stairs that provide access to the roof, a second story, and other areas. Some burglars may attempt to use outdoor stairs to find an alternative entry point to your home or make a quick decision to decide which floor to visit first. Pointing a camera at an end of a staircase will cause them to think twice about searching that area of the home.
First Floor Window:
First floor windows are a popular uninvited entry point for many reasons. These windows can be on any side of a home, are often unguarded, and can be partially hidden from overgrown bushes or trees, making them an optimal break-in site. Warmer months even make it easier as the window may be left open with the only protection being the window screen. Placing a camera outside or indoors facing the large window would be a sufficient way to capture footage of suspicious activity, and again, possibly deter burglars.
Back Door:
Criminals typically try to be as quiet as possible when breaking into a home. Back or rear doors are ideal locations for entry when bumping or picking of a lock is required. Also, when a homeowner spots an unfamiliar face approaching your back door, it is obvious they may be up to no good. Having installed surveillance equipment pointing at the back door will help gather evidence of the violation and security breach. Also, be sure back door cameras are well hidden because they are more likely to be vandalized.
A camera overlooking the backyard has many benefits beyond anti-theft. Placing a camera at a high vantage point, such as a second floor or chimney or flag pole guarantees a complete view of the back yard. A surveillance camera can ensure that our pets are safe and alert you to any activity happening in the backyard. With a camera pointing at your backyard, you will know exactly what is happening or has happened on your property when no one is looking.
Every time your garage door opens and closes all your personal belongings are placed in plain view for a passerby to see, potentially placing them at risk to theft. Expensive goods that are typically stored in our garages include power tools, car parts, lawn equipment, etc. A camera placed outside the garage or facing it should be an ideal spot to survey the garage exterior and the area leading up to it.
Start assembling your video surveillance system today! Just visit Home Controls, where you’ll find the very best video surveillance kits, IP surveillance cameras, surveillance recording equipment, and surveillance accessories from some of the top brands in the industry including Speco Technologies, Aria Audio Technology, and Channel Vision just to name a few.
Call Home Controls at 858-693-8887 for free product advice on home security and automation products and to purchase your security cameras.